Making Lemonade...

Well, I'm finally doing it. After over ten years of teaching, I'm proud to say that I'm officially starting my own classroom blog!  Making Lemonade in Second Grade is going to be my little way of sharing lots of fresh and fun ideas for the classroom.  Because, let's face it...being a teacher is hard work!  Whether it's our large class sizes, state testing, working nights and weekends preparing lessons, grading papers into the wee hours of the night, mounds of paperwork, report cards grades, parent phone calls, etc., it's easy to get overwhelmed.  However, when things get crazy, I choose to take a deep breath, stay positive and "make lemonade" when life gives you lemons.  Know what I mean? 

As for me, I'm a second grade teacher at a great little school located on the gorgeous Central Coast of California. I have teaching experience in all grades from K-8th, although I consider second grade to be my home. It really is my most favorite grade of all. I love everything about it... the kids, the the curriculum, I love it all. I have a large class of 32 students, with the majority of them being English Language Learners. My basic philosophy in the classroom is to make learning fun and meaningful for all students. I work with a fabulous group of teachers, and we are always sharing ideas with each other. I hope to be able to use this blog as a way of sharing many of those ideas plus other little things I've learned along the way. Stay tuned... there's lots more to come!

Art with Hearts!