I'm still here!

Hi there!  Not sure if you noticed, but I've been taking a little break from my blog for the past five months. It's been a crazy time for my family!  Aside from teaching full time, I also have three small kids (ages 3-9), and we've been super busy with extracurricular activities, and just LIFE in general... but we're all doing well now and gearing up for summer break in just a few short weeks!  I can't tell you how excited I am to have seven weeks off at home with my kids!  

Another thing I'm SUPER excited about is the upcoming TpT CONFERENCE in Las Vegas!  My mom is taking all three kiddos for the weekend so my hubby and I can make a mini-vacation out of it!  I'm so excited!  I can't wait to meet my favorite TpT Authors all in one spot and come back with tons of tips and ideas to take my little TpT store up a notch!  I'll be posting more about that soon!

Before I go... I'd like to share a little photo of my middle daughter, Maddie.  We celebrated her graduation from preschool this week!  It was truly the most adorable, FUN graduation I've ever been to.  My baby girl was even asked to sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as a special solo during the ceremony, and she did an amazing job!  Brought tears to my eyes.  So proud of her!  Hard to believe she'll be starting Kindergarten soon!


Heading to VEGAS!!!
